The simulator itself requires the .NET framework version 4, and currently only runs on Windows. I’ve tried it on XP, Vista and 7, and it seems to run fine.
DANSE simulator (zip file) (v0.21.3.12)
User instructions (pdf file) (v0.12)
Writing protocols (pdf file) (v0.14)
To get some idea of how it can be used in a teaching situation, have a look at
a sample lab script (pdf file). You’ll also need the configuration files to go with it:
Anyone interested in more sample files and ideas for using the program in education please get in touch – I’d be very happy to discuss things.
The source code is available, but for a variety of reasons the program is not quite open-source yet. If you would like to use DANSE in a teaching or research capacity then please get in touch – the license terms are similar to those for the demos: anyone using the program for non-profit teaching is welcome to a copy provided they are willing to participate in some pedagogic research about the effectiveness of the use of programs such as this in problem-based learning; anyone using the program for research just a reference added in any papers published would be appreciated.