DANSE screenshots

A few screenshots might speak a few thousand words.  Click any for a larger version.

The main screen

The lines between the nodes show the current contents of the routeing tables in the nodes. You can watch the system learning the routes.

Simulation setup

You can define packet generation, node layout, whether nodes have independent or synchronised clocks, and node movement parameters on this screen.

The protocols setup

Setting up transport, network, logical-link and MAC layer protocols. There are several built-in protocols for reliable layers, Bellman-Ford and on-demand routeing, CSMA, ALOHA and Polling.

The PHY activity graph

Shows when packets are transmitted, and when they are received and when they collide. Very useful for diagnostics, and to show how protocols are working.

The statistics output

Some statistics (number of packets sent and received, percentage of packets received, energy consumed, etc) are calculated by the simulator and output here for quick reference.

The event queue

DANSE is an event-driven simulator, and the event queue can be examined at any time (and stepped through) on this screen, to better show how the simulator is working.

The raw packets output

DANSE outputs the raw data from a simulation run as a table of numbers that can be readily imported into MATLAB, Excel, or other program for further analysis and plotting.

The log files

You can configure what information is stored to log files for protocol debugging and more easily working out what’s going on.